Therapy for Highly Sensitive People

You’ve been told you’re “too sensitive” for as long as you can remember.

You cry easily from sadness and from joy.

You process events deeply which leads to overanalyzing.

You feel existentially curious and wonder about the “meaning of life” often.

It is easy to “read the room” or in between the lines of a situation.

Small talk is boring and you feel lonely in superficial conversations.

Growing up, adults referred to you as an “old soul” & “mature for your age.”

You’re the go-to therapist of your friends and family.

You absorb other peoples emotions unconsciously.

You feel guilty setting boundaries because of your empathy.

Socializing can make you feel anxious and depleted.

You have to retreat to your lair after extended interactions.

You can thrive as a good witch

If you resonated with the challenges I have described, here’s the silver lining: These qualities are indicative of being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). 20% of the population has the trait of high sensitivity, a genetic variation that evolved to help us be more responsive to our environment. Some qualities you are gifted with include heightened intuition, empathy, creativity, and a deeper capacity for joy.

Chances are you’ve felt a strong connection to animals, music and nature. You are imaginative, perceptive, and deeply moved by beauty. People appreciate how thoughtful and caring you are, and you are known for picking up on subtleties. This is because your nervous system processes stimuli more deeply.

It is natural to experience overwhelm when your high sensitivity is flooded by modern day society. Therapy can help you identify environmental and relationship factors that are overstimulating. It is possible to protect your body & soul while honing your sensitivities, so you can wield your finest magic in this lifetime.

HSP Self-test

“If you feel like an old soul but also young at heart… you might be highly sensitive.” ~April Snow

Support for HSPs with codependent tendencies

You are under the illusion that you’re “too sensitive.” You were raised in a home where the truth wasn’t spoken and sometimes denied. You learned to doubt your perceptions and disconnect from your intuition.

People rely on your sensitivity. Loved ones seek out your tenderness and empathy but have trouble reciprocating. You have learned to discount your emotional needs while meeting the needs of others.

You consider yourself a “people pleaser” or “perfectionist.” You are highly attuned to what others want and expect from you, and you feel guilty when your actions disappoint them.

You give until depletion. Hesitant to set boundaries, your compassionate nature bleeds into self-sacrificing. Then when you get overwhelmed, you retreat from intimacy.

You experience physical symptoms of stress. You get sick and tired frequently and have trouble discerning the cause. You have chronic illness and suspect that it is from a toxic relationship or environment.

You believe that your only value is in giving. You want to speak up and make your self-care a priority, but you worry that this may lead to rejection. Being a caretaker has become your identity, your family role, and how you function in relationships.

You have forgotten your magic and it’s time to break the spell. You are inherently worthy and your needs are valid. There is strength in your vulnerability. There is wisdom in the messages that your body is sending. You deserve relationships that are reciprocal and nurturing.

IFS therapy helps you to remember your powers through accessing your inner resources - creativity, confidence, courage, compassion, calm & clarity - so you have the resilience to show up as a sensitive soul in your relationships.

Reasons witches fly to see me….


Relationship Challenges

If you absorb other people’s emotions, you can learn to set boundaries to manage your space, time and energy. You can feel connected and compassionate without taking responsibility for others’ feelings. You can develop a connection to your intuition to assess your needs in relationships. We address codependent patterns such as self-sacrificing, people pleasing, and underlying feelings of guilt and fear, that create emotional enmeshment.


Spiritual Connection

I help you connect to a higher power of your understanding. We explore how to prevent spiritual bypassing and toxic positivity. IFS techniques increase spiritual connection. Somatic therapy helps to develop an embodied, grounded spirituality. We can incorporate rituals such as meditation, mindfulness, therapeutic tarot, movement & music that tune you into your intuition.


If your mind races and you breathe fast and shallow, you might be dealing with anxiety. You will learn grounding techniques like mindfulness, breathing and guided visualization to calm your body and mind. Anxiety is driven by scared inner child parts that need soothing or inner critic parts that are trying to help you succeed. Through directing compassion and curiosity to these parts, your anxious thoughts can transform from monsters into allies.


Creative Blocks

You can heal perfectionism blocking your inner talents. We can incorporate singing and songwriting to help you find your voice. Roleplay can aid you in self-expression and insight. You are welcome to bring in any creative modality that excites you, from drawing to movement. Your full, vibrant self is safe here to be silly, to learn, to play and grow. There are no mistakes.