Frequently Asked Questions
I am in network with Cigna insurance. Please contact me to determine eligibility.
My rate is $250 for 55 min sessions. I offer sliding scale on a limited, case-by-case basis. I provide superbills for reimbursement for clients with OON benefits. Please see my Rates page for more information.
Weekly sessions are often recommended when starting therapy. Sometimes biweekly sessions are necessary or a better fit for your needs. We will discuss this together to determine what is best.
I bring empathy and enthusiasm in equal spades. I curse for emphasis. I am compassionately direct. Humor and playfulness are values of mine. I occasionally sing when I speak. For a sense of my personality, you can check out my podcast interviews.
Here are the therapy methods I use in sessions:
1) Guided visualization: Imagery helps you get in touch with your higher Self - the part of you that is wise, intuitive, and calm.
2) Mindfulness: I will guide you in meditations for relaxation. You will observe sensations in your body and use breathing exercises to regulate your nervous system.
3) Creativity: I can incorporate song lyric discussion, singing, songwriting, role play, and movement to help you express yourself. You don’t have to be a professional artist to benefit as everyone is creative.
4) Psychoeducation: I will share information about IFS and trauma recovery to help you have agency over your own healing experience, and to give you tools that you can use outside of session.
5) The relationship: Research has shown that the most important ingredient in therapy is the relationship between therapist and client. I strive to be a safe person for you, knowing that in many places it hasn’t felt safe to be yourself. I hold it as a sacred responsibility to see you, celebrate you, and provide space for your emotional truth. I invite you to share with me when something isn’t working, so I can better meet your needs.
If you’re interested to learn more, you can set up a free 15 minute consultation.
My practice is fully virtual. I offer telehealth sessions to people throughout NY State.
I am licensed to provide psychotherapy to residents of NY. I offer consultation internationally and coaching groups nationally. Please email me to be added to the list.
Coaching is not covered by or reimbursable through insurance. Coaching clients do not receive a diagnosis or mental health treatment planning. Book a consultation here.
HSP: Dr. Elaine Aron is a pioneer in identifying and treating Highly Sensitive People (HSPs). I recommend taking the HSP self-test on her website for self-evaluation.
Recommended Reading: Find Your Strengths workbook written for HSPs by my colleague April Snow, LMFT.
HSPs have these key aspects of high sensitivity - Depth of Processing, Overstimulation, Emotional Reactivity, Sensing the Subtle (DOES).