Support Groups for Therapists
Family Estrangement Support Group (February)
As a professional caregiver, you deserve a space where your own feelings can be held. Going low or no contact with family is often an isolating journey and finding other professionals that identify can help to build community. Family estrangement can elicit judgment from others, and this is designed to be a stigma-free space for expression and connection. The hour and a half groups will include guided IFS meditations, literature, and relating with each other’s experiences.
Please note: This is not a psychotherapy processing group, but it is meant to be a space for community and support. It is open to professional healers who have gone low or no contact (defined as minimal or no communication with one or more relatives).
Cultivating the Inner Mother (May)
As a caregiver, a lot of your care is directed outwards. We will focus on the elements of self-mothering according to the principles of Kelly McDaniel's book Mother Hunger. Each week we will name the hurt and missing support, and explore ways to increase self-care.
Week #1: Cultivating Nurturance
Week #2: Cultivating Guidance
Week #3: Cultivating Protection
Week #4: Mother's Day Grief Ceremony
Week #5: IFS Skills for Self-Love
Week #6: Cultivating ancestral, natural and spiritual resources
My hope is that each participant walks away with a sense of inner wholeness that they can tap into through the practices that work best for them. We can never replace what we lost, but we can become who we need. Looking forward to holding tender space for each of you.
Hot Mess Holidays (November)
This is a confidential space to process family dynamics during the holiday season. This coaching group will support those who are estranged or in strained relationships with narcissistic or emotionally immature family members. Sessions will be focused on resourcing, camaraderie, and grief support.
Groups include:
IFS meditations and parts exploration
Psychoeducation on coping skills & boundaries
Sharing and group feedback on sticky situations
My intention is that we will feel gift wrapped in community, warmth and self-acceptance to help us face the holidays with more resilience.