Witches Protection Program®

1:1 Coaching for adult children of narcissists

Your parent has been hopping all over the narcissistic bingo card: Feigning Illness, Faking a Crisis, Bribing you with Money, Comparing you to Your Cousin. You’re OVER it. But you don’t know which boundaries you can communicate and not incur their wrath, or hear the all too dreaded “You’re too sensitive.” Here’s the bad news: You CAN’T control what they do. But you CAN control what you do. It won’t be easy, but you can develop an unshakeable confidence in stating what you need. It’s time to tune into your gut knowing, the authority on your inner boundaries.

If you want to:

Set boundaries without losing your shit

Know which boundaries you need to set

Trust yourself to make the right decision

Tell the difference between fear and intuition

Stick to a boundary when they push back

Let’s do this, witch!

In the Witches Protection Program, you will recover from gaslighting and connect to your intuition through nervous system regulation, energy healing and Internal Family Systems. You will receive an education in narcissistic tactics so that you become fluent in drama and unfazed by your parent’s latest performance. It’s time to cut through the FOG (Fear, Obligation, Guilt) that keeps you stuck and confused in your relationship. These tools will help you to become an empowered witch!

Weekly Topics (90 minute sessions) include:

1st week: boundary challenges of having a highly sensitive temperament

2nd week: relationship dynamics with narcissistic & emotionally immature people

3rd week: boundary skills for navigating narcissistic relationships

4th week: connecting with your intuition for protection (listening to your gut)

5th week: emotional boundary management (inner child re-parenting) 

6th week: energetic boundaries (grounding, clearing and protection techniques)

7th week: cord cutting and reiki healing session for release of the toxic attachment

8th week: integration week & developing a sensitive self-care plan

Investment: $2400 (sliding scale & payment plans by request)

DISCLAIMER: Coaching is not therapy. These services are not reimburseable by insurance and don’t include a diagnosis or treatment for mental health symptoms. If you need treatment for a mental health diagnosis, I will refer you to a therapist in conjunction with my coaching services. You can view my coaching contract here.